...to those who got to know about this site from my facebook! *waves waves*Welcome, guys. Thanks for visiting! Yeah, am here helping out Mom to promote her home-based business. Bagus tak? ;) *puji diri sendiri pulak*
For those (customers & friends) who did ask about discount and "harga kawan", well again, it's Mom's biz, so I can't say much bout that, no? How about you (customers, non-customers, friends, no-friends) give her a buzz and deal with her directly?? Hahaha, macam kejam je kan. Takpe, takpe, discount ke best deal ke, queries ke apa ke, don't hesitate to contact us and we can bincang-bincang lah. But don't la expect too much, as for now, our price still OK compared to others. Tak percaya??? Percayalah...
So, as always for info and all, email us at littleroses.choc@gmail.com or SMS/call at 0166199376.
And yeah, have a fantastic looooooooonnnnngggggg weekends, will ya! :)