Here are some tips on How to decorate your Little Roses Chocolates with your own ideas:
1. Email us atlittleroseschoc@gmail.com littleroses.choc@gmail.com and inform us what do you have on mind.
e.g I want 100 3 in a box chocolates with a ribbon on top of it. I want 20 4 in a box chocolates with a ribbon and a cute flower on top of it. Saya nak 40 biji coklat di dalam kotak bulat yang dihias dengan reben dan bunga yang bertemakan biru.
2.We will email the quotation to you A.S.A.P and you can confirm your order if u satisfy with the prices.
It's so easy, isn't it? :P
1. Email us at
e.g I want 100 3 in a box chocolates with a ribbon on top of it. I want 20 4 in a box chocolates with a ribbon and a cute flower on top of it. Saya nak 40 biji coklat di dalam kotak bulat yang dihias dengan reben dan bunga yang bertemakan biru.
2.We will email the quotation to you A.S.A.P and you can confirm your order if u satisfy with the prices.
It's so easy, isn't it? :P
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